10 Tips for Cleaning Your Room

A woman folding clean laundry on her bed.

Are you ready?! We’ve put together our top 10 tips for cleaning your room. It can feel like a daunting task, but when you know how to stay focused and organized, it doesn’t have to take too long!

Follow these steps to clean your room:

Step 1: Clear out some time, put on your favorite music, and pour yourself a cup of coffee!

You’ve got a big project ahead of you, but it’s nothing you can’t handle! Just get in the right mindset and get ready to tackle your room.

Step 2: Clear your room of trash

If you have a trashcan in your room or nearby, go ahead and empty it. Then, grab a trash bag for any trash you may find while cleaning. Do a quick sweep of any clothing tags, labels, wrappers, or anything else you may have around your room. Keep that trash bag handy as you clean — you never know what you’ll find!

Step 3: Get rid of dirty clothes

You can’t clean your room when it’s cluttered with dirty clothes. Go ahead and empty your laundry basket and pick up any dirty clothes that may be lying around, but don’t start a cycle just yet. You’ll likely come across a few more dirty items or some clothing items you haven’t worn in a while that could use some refreshing.

Step 4: Strip your bed

It’s a good idea to wash your sheets and blankets regularly, and while you’re cleaning the rest of your room is a great time to do it. You can go ahead and wash your bedding now so the washing machine is free when you’re ready to wash your clothes later.

Step 5. Put away clean clothes

Fold and put away any laundry that you have – whether it’s taking up space on your bed or in a laundry basket, it’s time for it to go up. It’s not everyone’s favorite chore, but it needs to be done in order to get closer to a tidy room.

Step 6. Get rid of clutter

Declutter your room by getting rid of anything that doesn’t have a place. That means anything that’s lying on your dresser, on your floor, or on your nightstand. Look around for things that jump out at you for not belonging and find them a new home!

Step 7. Organize your closet

As you’re putting away clothes, you’ll likely find some areas of your closet that could use some reorganization. Take some time to tackle your closet (click here for some closet organization tips).

Step 8. Clean all of your hard surfaces

Without all that clutter around, now is the perfect chance to wipe all of your surfaces clean. Depending on the type of furniture and surfaces you have, you may need some glass cleaner, antibacterial spray or wipes, or maybe more. Don’t forget to wipe down mirrors and windows, too!

Step 9. Wipe down hidden spots such as fans and light fixtures

Now for the fun part! Take a second to think through all of the hard-to-spot (and maybe even hard-to-reach) areas in your room that don’t usually get cleaned. This might include your ceiling fan, light fixtures, window sills, the top of your bed frame, the top of your doors, and behind furniture. Dust these spots and spray or wipe them down if needed. People may not see these places regularly, but they’re prime spots for dust to build up, and no one wants to breathe that in.

Step 10. Clean your floor

You’re almost there! Now that your room is nice and tidy, the final step is to clean the floor. You probably know what to do here, but make sure you sweep and mop if you have hardwood floors and vacuum any carpet or rugs. Keeping a clean floor is vital to keeping a clean room.

Now all you have left is re-making your bed and washing your dirty load of laundry. Once that’s done, keep the momentum going and don’t let that clean laundry sit for too long! Put it away as soon as you can and keep your room clean for as long as possible.

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