3 Things to Store in a Vacuum-Sealed Bag

Vacuum sealed storage bags.

When it comes to saving the most space while storing your belongings, vacuum-sealed bags are the way to go. In fact, they can reduce the amount of storage space needed by almost 50%. While not everything can be stored in a vacuum-sealed bag (refrigerators, furniture, and other big items), these 3 things can be.

3 Things to Store in a Vacuum-Sealed Bag

1. Important Documents

Documents such as business papers, children’s art projects, passports, and birth certificates are definitely things that you want to take extra precaution with when storing. If stored improperly, they can be exposed to harsh elements such as dust, dirt, mold, and mildew. By sealing them in an airtight environment, they’ll be safe from yellowing and retain their integrity for a lifetime.

2. Clothing

Vacuum-sealed bags are a great way to store clothing. Clothing in cardboard boxes or plastic bins usually doesn’t fair well if exposed to inclement climates. Using vacuum-sealed bags prevents moisture from getting in, and will keep your clothes from smelling musty when you take them out of storage. Just be sure not to put these clothing items in vacuum-sealed bags for too long, or else they might lose their shape:

  • Natural fibers like wool

  • Fluffy items like big coats

3. Bedding and pillows

Comforters and pillows are some of the bulkiest items you own. When it comes time to put them in storage, they could easily take up all the room in one of your largest boxes or get thrown on top of items as an afterthought. Putting them in a vacuum-sealed bag will help you compress a good chunk of their mass so that they can easily share a box with some of your other items.

When it comes to using vacuum-sealed bags, be sure to only use them on flexible items. Using them on solid items like antiques and other knick-knacks will probably do them more harm than good.

Looking for a storage space you can trust to keep your items safe and sound whether they’re in a vacuum-sealed bag or not? The Space Shop can guarantee that your clothes will be in the best environment possible. We’ll even give you complimentary cookies, just so you know that your items are in good hands. Find a location near you!

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