How to Pest Proof Your Self-Storage Unit

When storing your belongings in a self-storage unit, there are some steps you can take to keep rodents and other pests out. If you plan to store your inventory long-term, pests and rodents can harm it greatly. There are plenty of clean and secure storage units in your area – all you have to do is find them and keep them clean. In case you want to protect your stored items and pest-proof your self-storage unit, here’s how you can do it.
Look for clean storage units
In addition to providing a secure environment, pest-proof self-storage units also help prevent damage to stored possessions. Once you find the facility you like, make sure to clean your storage unit in detail. Often, rodents will gnaw through boxes, paper, and other materials. By using plastic containers, you’ll minimize the risk of damage, as well as minimize the clutter in the unit. Aside from providing a secure space for your possessions, these units can protect your belongings from damage from water and sharp claws, and rat droppings.
Set up traps
Before you rent a self-storage unit, consider installing traps and bait stations. These are inexpensive and effective ways to protect your belongings from insects. Insect repellents are an effective way to discourage bugs from entering your storage unit, but you should check the traps frequently and notify the manager if there are problems. You may also want to purchase insect baits and place them on routes that cockroaches use to enter your unit. Also, you can use small pallets to raise your goods off the floor and place them on shelves.
Aside from ensuring that your self-storage unit is free from bugs, you should use natural methods of pest control. Place cotton balls dipped in oil on a shelf or inside the unit. You can use chilly pepper or lavender essential oils to repel rodents. Make sure to place traps near the entrance or inside the walls.
Be careful what you keep in storage
One common mistake people make when storing items in a self-storage unit is putting in live plants. Plants require a lot of sunlight to survive, so putting them in a storage unit will make them an attractive meal for pests. Moreover, live plants tend to attract a wide range of pests, including rodents, cockroaches, and flies.
If you want to keep pests out of your storage unit, there are several things you can do to keep them from setting up shop. For starters, it is a good idea to keep plants and scented candles away from your storage unit. Bugs love the scent of these items, so keeping them out of the unit is important. But don’t stop there! You can also try placing traps around the unit, especially near the entrance.
While looking for a good place to store your inventory, you might want to consider renting a climate-controlled storage unit. This type of storage will regulate temperature and keep your belongings safe but also keep the unit pest-free. Keep in mind that it’s a violation of many lease contracts to leave food inside the storage unit, so be sure to wash all of your kitchen items before storing them thoroughly. Moreover, don’t store pet food or bird seed since these can attract pests. Another effective way to keep pests at bay is by elevating items in the unit slightly above the floor. Another useful solution is to use wooden pallets to elevate boxes off the floor.
Inspect for signs of pest infestation
Before paying a deposit for a unit, you should make sure to inspect it. One of the best ways to prepare for renting storage is to check out if it is spacious enough, but more importantly, see if there is a reason to pest-proof your self-storage. The first sign of a rodent infestation is new holes or stains on your storage unit. While this is an inconvenience, treating a pest infestation early is a good idea. It is easy to catch a rodent if you are vigilant enough. The best way to do this is to visit your storage unit at least once a month. To do this, you should also place plastic mattress covers inside. Fabric furniture is another potential target, as rodents and bugs can chew through the fabric. It would help if you also washed bedding before storing it.
Pack in air-tight containers
The best way to prevent pests is to use air-tight containers made of plastic. Plastic is chew-proof and does not have crevices, which pests love. If you’re using cardboard boxes during the move, plastic containers will help you have a seamless process. Please make sure they are in good shape. They are less likely to have dents or tears and can easily be sealed with packing tape. Whether you use air-tight containers or a cardboard box with a lid, there are many ways to pest-proof your unit.
One way to protect your belongings from pests in your self-storage unit is to take precautions. Pests can ruin clothes, furniture, and neighboring units, so be sure to thoroughly wash and dry everything before you store it. In addition to thoroughly cleaning items, avoid storing pet or bird food. You can also try to elevate items a bit from the floor to deter pests. This is possible with pallets.
Tips for renting storage during the move
If you are planning a relocation, some professional help might come in handy. Professionals from Beltway Movers recommend looking for companies that will provide more than just packing and moving. If you want to save time during relocation, you should look for companies that offer clean and quality storage units. All you have to do is choose the right unit size, inspect it and make sure it’s safe for your belongings.
Having pests in a storage unit is not as uncommon as people think. Luckily, there are easy ways you can prevent this from happening. To pest-proof your self-storage unit, safely pack your belongings and keep the unit clean and organized.