Questions to Ask Yourself Before Moving into a New Home

A family walking into a house with a for sale sign in the front yard.

Looking for a new home can be overwhelming. There are so many different decisions to make and countless things to look for. How do you know what’s right for you and how do you know what to look for? If you’re on the hunt, consider these questions to ask yourself when moving into a new home.

Questions to ask yourself before moving

What kind of neighborhood do I want?

Do you want a quiet family-centered neighborhood? Are you looking for a fun apartment complex that’s within walking distance of all your favorite hangout spots? Maybe you’re looking for a home that’s far away from the hustle and bustle of big neighborhoods. Decide what type of neighborhood you want first, and begin narrowing your search from there – including the geographic location!

How far am I willing to drive?

When deciding on a location, decide how far you’d be willing to drive to get to the places you go most often: work, school, family members’ homes, your favorite hangout spots, etc. You don’t want your new home to feel tainted by your new drive, so decide on what you’re willing to commit to early on! Once you’ve found a potential area or even a potential home, look at traffic patterns during the times that you’d be making those drives and make sure it’s something you can handle.

Does everything need to be in top condition?

Are appliances a big deal to you? Do you want the most up-to-date appliances and features, or do you want something that you can update down the road? This is something to decide ahead of time so you can look for the type of home that matches your criteria, or build in some extra budget for making these updates later (see below).

How much work do I want to put into it?

You may have a budget for how much you’d like to spend on a home, but does that include how much you’d be willing to put into it to make it livable or up to your standards? Your budget should include the total amount you’d be willing to spend on a down payment as well as the amount you’d be willing to spend on renovations, both long-term and immediate needs.

Can you imagine yourself living there?

Once you’ve begun searching for your home, this is the most important question to ask yourself. Any time you tour a new home, look at pictures of an available home online, or drive by a home for sale, ask yourself this question. Ultimately, if you answer no to this question, the answers to the rest of these questions don’t matter. Even if everything else lines up with your answers, but you can’t see yourself living here or you don’t feel right about it, never sacrifice this part! Find a place you love (and yes, it is possible!)

Buying a new home is a fun, exciting experience when you know what things to look for and what to say no to. Spend some time answering all of these questions before you tour any home, and you’ll have an easier time finding the perfect home.

Once you’re ready to move, if you need some storage or even some moving boxes, we’ve got you covered! Check out our locations and come see us.

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