Tips to Help You Survive a Home Remodel

A man sanding down a piece of wood with an electric sander.

Remodeling your home is an exciting time. Whether you’re putting the finishing touches on a fixer upper or adding on to make room for baby, a remodel is a sign of good things to come. Rarely does it go off without a hitch, though. And even when it does, there is still a lot of stress associated with updating your home. That’s why it’s important to know the tips and tricks you need to survive a home remodel. Check out a few of our favorites below.

Know What You’re Getting Into

Before jumping into your remodel head first, it’s important to know what you’re getting into. Timelines are great, but they’re often not accurate. Between permitting issues, working with multiple vendors, and the potential for surprise problems, getting a project finished on time is more a happy accident than par for the course. If you know this going in however, it makes it much easier to accept when delays do happen.

Keep Dust at Bay

There’s nothing more frustrating than coming home to a fine layer of dust covering all of your belongings. You can prevent it by cordoning off the section of your home that is currently undergoing renovations. One option is to construct a temporary wall that completely blocks off the dust. Another idea is to talk to your contractor about using a ZipWall. While it is not quite as effective as a temporary wall, it is cheaper.

Find a New Work Space

Don’t be surprised when construction noise becomes a part of your day-to-day life. If you work from home that can be difficult – especially if you regularly talk to clients on the phone or need quiet time to concentrate. Instead of suffering through it, plan ahead and arrange to work elsewhere. Coffee shops are a great short-term solution, but if you know you’re going to need something for a month or more, coworking spaces are all the rage. Some even offer communal conference rooms to host meetings. You may end up liking it so much you sign a longer lease!

Plan a Getaway

Just can’t take the dust and noise? Plan a vacation to coincide with your home remodel. Now is a great time to finally take that road trip across the USA you’ve been talking about, or fly to the Caribbean for a couple weeks of island hopping. Just be sure to leave a phone number and email address your construction team can reach you at in case of emergency.

Protect Your Belongings with Space Shop Self Storage

The number one way to protect your belongings from the dirt and dust of a remodel? Store it all in a self storage unit at Space Shop Self Storage. We offer a variety of different size storage units throughout the Southeastern United States. Visit our locations page to find a unit near you.

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